Solving the Frustrating SwiftUI Scroller Flashing Issue: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the Frustrating SwiftUI Scroller Flashing Issue: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of your SwiftUI scroller flashing the entire collection whenever you insert new data? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has been driving iOS developers crazy, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into a comprehensive solution to this problem.

Understanding the Issue

Before we begin, let’s quickly understand what’s causing this annoying behavior. When you update your data collection in SwiftUI, the entire scroller is re-rendered, resulting in a flash or a brief disappearance of the content. This happens because SwiftUI’s default behavior is to re-render the entire list when the underlying data changes.

The Problem with SwiftUI’s Defaults

In an ideal world, SwiftUI would only re-render the items that have changed, not the entire collection. However, this is not the default behavior, and we need to take matters into our own hands to fix this issue.

Solving the Issue with SwiftUI’s Identifiable Protocol

One way to solve this problem is by using SwiftUI’s Identifiable protocol. This protocol allows us to identify each item in our collection uniquely, which helps SwiftUI determine what has changed and what hasn’t.

struct MyData: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var name: String
var description: String

In the code snippet above, we’ve conforming our `MyData` struct to the `Identifiable` protocol by adding a unique `id` property. This tells SwiftUI that each item in our collection has a unique identifier.

Using Identifiable with ForEach

Now that we have our `MyData` struct conforming to `Identifiable`, let’s use it with a `ForEach` loop to render our collection.

@State private var myDataCollection: [MyData] = []

var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(myDataCollection) { item in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {

In this example, we’re using `ForEach` to loop through our `myDataCollection` and render each item. Because we’ve conformed to `Identifiable`, SwiftUI can now inteligently determine what has changed and only re-render the affected items.

Optimizing Performance with Lazy Loading

While using the `Identifiable` protocol helps alleviate the flashing issue, it’s still important to optimize our list performance. One way to do this is by using lazy loading to only load the items that are currently visible on the screen.

Implementing Lazy Loading

To implement lazy loading, we can use a combination of `LazyVStack` and `LazyVGrid`. These views allow us to load items only when they come into view, reducing the initial load time and improving overall performance.

@State private var myDataCollection: [MyData] = []

var body: some View {
List {
LazyVStack(alignment: .leading, pinnedViews: [.sectionHeaders]) {
ForEach(myDataCollection) { item in
VStack(alignment: .leading) {

In this example, we’re using `LazyVStack` to lazy load our items. The `pinnedViews` parameter is used to specify which views should be pinned to the top of the screen, in this case, section headers.

Additional Optimizations for Large Datasets

For large datasets, it’s essential to take additional steps to optimize performance. Here are a few strategies to consider:

Optimization Description
Caching Caching can help reduce the load on your backend and improve loading times. Consider using a caching library like Kingfisher or Cache.
Paginated Loading Paginated loading involves loading a smaller chunk of data at a time, rather than loading the entire dataset at once. This can help reduce memory usage and improve performance.
Data Preprocessing Data preprocessing involves processing and manipulating your data before rendering it. This can help reduce the complexity of your views and improve performance.

Putting it all Together

By combining the `Identifiable` protocol, lazy loading, and additional optimizations, we can create a highly performant and efficient SwiftUI scroller that doesn’t flash the entire collection when inserting new data.

@State private var myDataCollection: [MyData] = []

var body: some View {
    List {
        LazyVStack(alignment: .leading, pinnedViews: [.sectionHeaders]) {
            ForEach(myDataCollection) { item in
                VStack(alignment: .leading) {
    .onAppear {
        // Load initial data
    .onChange(of: myDataCollection) { _ in
        // Handle data changes

func loadData() {
    // Load data from backend or database
    // ...

func handleDataChanges() {
    // Handle data changes, e.g., reloading the list
    // ...

In this final example, we’ve put everything together to create a robust and efficient SwiftUI scroller that doesn’t flash the entire collection when inserting new data.


In conclusion, solving the frustrating SwiftUI scroller flashing issue requires a combination of using the `Identifiable` protocol, lazy loading, and additional optimizations. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create a highly performant and efficient SwiftUI scroller that provides a great user experience.

Remember, optimization is an ongoing process, and there’s always room for improvement. Keep exploring and experimenting with different techniques to achieve the best possible performance for your SwiftUI app.

Happy Coding!

Now that you’ve solved the flashing issue, it’s time to take your SwiftUI skills to the next level. Explore more advanced topics, such as custom transitions, animations, and gestures. The possibilities are endless, and with practice and patience, you’ll become a SwiftUI master!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with the pesky SwiftUI scroller flashing entire collection when inserting new data? Worry no more! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What causes the SwiftUI scroller to flash when inserting new data?

The SwiftUI scroller flashes when inserting new data because the entire collection is being re-rendered. This happens when you use the `@State` property wrapper to update your data, which triggers a complete re-render of the view. Ah, the joys of SwiftUI’s declarative programming!

How can I prevent the SwiftUI scroller from flashing when inserting new data?

One way to prevent the flashing is to use an `Identifiable` protocol for your data models. This allows SwiftUI to keep track of individual items and only update the ones that have changed. You can also use `LazyVStack` or `LazyHStack` instead of `VStack` or `HStack` to improve performance.

Can I use `withAnimation` to animate the insertion of new data?

Yes, you can! `withAnimation` is a great way to animate the insertion of new data. Wrap your data update code with `withAnimation { … }`, and SwiftUI will take care of the animation for you. Just be mindful of the animation duration and timing to avoid any janky animations.

Will using `DispatchQueue` help with the flashing issue?

Using `DispatchQueue` can help with the flashing issue, but it’s not a magic bullet. By dispatching the data update to the main thread, you can avoid blocking the UI thread, but it won’t completely eliminate the flashing. You’ll still need to use `Identifiable` protocol or other optimization techniques to prevent the entire collection from re-rendering.

Are there any other optimization techniques I can use to prevent the flashing?

Yes, there are several other techniques you can use to optimize your SwiftUI list. For example, you can use `List` with a static row size, use `LazyVGrid` for grid-based layouts, or even use a third-party library like `SwiftUI-Introspect` to customize your list rendering. Experiment with different approaches to find the one that works best for your use case!