Why do people say that the virtual DOM is more efficient than the actual DOM?
Image by Pleasant - hkhazo.biz.id

Why do people say that the virtual DOM is more efficient than the actual DOM?

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Have you ever wondered why developers rave about the virtual DOM? What makes it so special, and why do people claim it’s more efficient than the actual DOM? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of DOM manipulation, explore the basics, and uncover the secrets behind the virtual DOM’s efficiency.

What is the DOM, anyway?

Before we get into the virtual DOM, let’s quickly cover what the DOM (Document Object Model) is. The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of nodes, which can be manipulated by JavaScript code. Think of it as a blueprint of your web page, where each element is a node that can be accessed and modified.

The Problem with the Actual DOM

When you update the actual DOM, the browser has to re-render the entire page. This can lead to performance issues, especially when dealing with complex web applications or large datasets. Every time you update an element, the browser has to:

  • Parse the HTML and CSS
  • Calculate the layout and styling
  • Paint the elements on the screen

This process is expensive, especially when you’re performing multiple updates in a short period. It’s like asking the browser to rebuild a house every time you change a light bulb!

Enter the Virtual DOM

The virtual DOM is a lightweight, in-memory representation of the real DOM. It’s a JavaScript object that mimics the structure of the actual DOM, but without the heavy rendering and layout calculations. When you update the virtual DOM, the actual DOM remains unchanged until the virtual DOM is synced with the real one.

const virtualDOM = {
  type: 'div',
  props: {
    className: 'container'
  children: [
      type: 'h1',
      props: {
        className: 'header'
      children: ['Hello, World!']

How the Virtual DOM Works

Here’s a step-by-step overview of how the virtual DOM works:

  1. The virtual DOM is created and updated independently of the actual DOM.
  2. When the virtual DOM is updated, the changes are stored in a “diff” object.
  3. The diff object is compared to the actual DOM.
  4. The actual DOM is updated only with the differences found in the diff object.
  5. The browser re-renders the affected elements, instead of the entire page.

Why is the Virtual DOM more Efficient?

There are several reasons why the virtual DOM is more efficient than the actual DOM:

Reason Virtual DOM Actual DOM
Update Cost Low High
Rendering Time Faster Slower
Memory Usage Less More

The virtual DOM reduces the number of DOM mutations, which are expensive operations. By batching updates and only applying the necessary changes to the actual DOM, the virtual DOM minimizes the rendering time and memory usage.

Real-World Benefits

So, what does this mean in practice? Here are some real-world benefits of using the virtual DOM:

  • Faster rendering times, resulting in smoother user experiences
  • Improved performance, even with complex applications and large datasets
  • Reduced memory usage, making your app more scalable
  • Easier debugging, since the virtual DOM provides a clear representation of the DOM state


In conclusion, the virtual DOM is more efficient than the actual DOM because it reduces the number of DOM mutations, batches updates, and only applies necessary changes to the actual DOM. This results in faster rendering times, improved performance, and reduced memory usage. By using the virtual DOM, you can create faster, more scalable, and more maintainable web applications.

So, the next time someone asks you, “Why do people say that the virtual DOM is more efficient than the actual DOM?”, you’ll be able to explain it in detail and show off your newfound knowledge!

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Here are the 5 questions and answers about why people say that the virtual DOM is more efficient than the actual DOM:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of virtual DOM and understand why it’s considered more efficient than the actual DOM!

What is the main reason behind the virtual DOM’s efficiency?

The virtual DOM’s efficiency stems from its ability to reduce the number of DOM mutations. Since the virtual DOM is a lightweight in-memory representation of the real DOM, updating it is much faster than updating the actual DOM. This is because the virtual DOM can batch multiple updates together, reducing the number of DOM mutations and the subsequent repaints and reflows.

How does the virtual DOM handle updates differently than the actual DOM?

When the state of the application changes, the virtual DOM is updated first. Then, the virtual DOM is compared to the actual DOM, and only the necessary changes are applied to the actual DOM. This approach reduces the number of DOM mutations, leading to faster and more efficient updates. In contrast, the actual DOM updates in place, which can be slower and more resource-intensive.

What happens when the virtual DOM detects a change in the application state?

When the virtual DOM detects a change, it creates a new virtual DOM tree that reflects the updated state. This new tree is then diffed with the previous tree to determine the minimum number of changes required to update the actual DOM. This process is called reconciliation, and it’s the key to the virtual DOM’s efficiency.

How does the virtual DOM impact the overall performance of an application?

By reducing the number of DOM mutations and subsequent repaints and reflows, the virtual DOM significantly improves the overall performance of an application. This results in faster rendering, smoother animations, and a more responsive user experience. Additionally, the virtual DOM enables better support for complex and dynamic user interfaces, making it an essential tool for modern web development.

Can I use the virtual DOM with any front-end framework or library?

While the virtual DOM is most closely associated with React, it’s not exclusive to React. Other front-end frameworks and libraries, such as Vue.js and Angular, also use similar concepts to improve performance. However, the implementation details may vary, and some libraries may use different terms to describe their virtual DOM-like functionality.

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